Here’s How To Get A Room Divider Installed
Let’s make it clear from the get go we don’t do partitions or free standing room dividers. If that’s what you are after then it’s best to Google partition and you’ll get what you want.
It is slightly annoying that partitions are often lumped in with room dividers but its a cross we have to bear.
Anyway let’s check out getting a room divider installed into your home.
The first thing most people want to do is cordon off an area in their home to control noise, temperature or privacy. With the COVID situation often times it involves a “working from home requirement”. Houses in Victoria are larger than ever before and we find many home owners wanting to reorganise their living environments.
Here is an example of an open room in a home that the owners wish to cover up with an appropriate room divider. As you can see its a TV room that is being converted into a home office.
The owners send us the measurements and this photo of the opening so we could give them indicative pricing and some sliding door ideas to choose from.
5 Tips For Installing A Room Divider
Here are Leigh Robinson’s seven tips with regards to this particular install.
- Dealing with the cornice. The curved cornice needs to be cut and a bulkhead installed. If you don’t do this the cornice will still need to be cut but it would look horrible without a bulkhead looking towards the room divider on either side.
- Fixed or sliding door combinations. In this opening you could have two large doors or four doors (two fixed/two sliding doors) giving 50% access at any time. We often get asked if bi-fold doors would work but we don’t recommend this as the doors will line up against the light switch. Bi-fold doors are also better suited to smaller openings due to weight restrictions of the doors.
4 PANEL – TWO FIXED 2 DOOR SLIDING BYPASS - Track installation. If the ceiling joists run diagonally to the opening then its possible to use our A500 seriesA500 Room Divider Installations and the opening will be threshold free.If the ceiling joists run left to right of the opening and we can’t get access to the ceiling then a bottom track will need to be installed (our A100 series). The bottom track would then carry the weight of the sliding door.The bottom track is about 8mm high and is normally recessed by splitting carpet or surface fitted to floating floor boards or tiles. The carpet would then need re-stretching by a carpet professional at a later date.
- Melamine or glass inserts. The beauty of a room divider is you can shut off the room but have frosted or translucent glass inserts that still let in the light. You can combine glass inserts and melamine inserts to suit your decor and internal colour scheme. Check out our gallery for some inspiration.
- Other options. There are a few other options you could do like getting a permanent wall built with a standard bedroom door. The cost would be similar to a room divider but you lose a few choices such as smaller access and light. You could get a partition that would give you privacy but limited temperature or noise control. The last option could be a cheaper concertina option but these tend to block out the light and its difficult to match your existing decor – not a very classy option!
As you can see its quite a straight forward process to work out the best room divider installation for you. Our room dividers become an asset to your home helping to increase its value. If the above example was a bedroom / home office you could easily install a wall bed with a desk as well.
Call Leigh Robinson to discuss your needs today. Ph: 0412 525 137